Master of Education or MEd is a two year program of Tribhuvan University (TU) conducted by Faculty of Education. This program is based on semester system and has altogether four semesters in total.
Preparation Framework For Entrance Exam 👇
Admission Requirements
- SEE/SLC all document
- +2 all document
- Bachelor all document
- Bachelor’s migration should be original
- Photo -3 Photos
- Entrance’s result with symbol number
Eligibility for Admission:
- Candidate with Bachelor’s Degree in Education from colleges/ university recognized by Tribhuvan University are eligible for the admission to this scheme.
- In order to get admission in different subjects they need specific qualification of that particular subject.
- In semester system they have to pass entrance test for admission in different specialization subject.
- If candidate belongs from other affiliated univesity then direct contact to the college administration for more document.
Entrance exam for Admission:
- Candidate must have to pass entrance test for getting admission.
- Entrance exam is taken by Faculty of Education, Tribhuvan University. (It will be on campus)
- The merit list is then published after the entrance exam.
Attandance and Evaluation System
- Minimum attendance in accordance with the university regulation is required (i.e. 70 %) in each subject in order to be eligible for the annual examination. In semester system 80% attend is compulsory for the final examination.
- The office of the controller of the examination, T.U. will conduct the examination at the end of the each academic session. Each student must appear in and pass all those examination in order to qualify for M.Ed. degree. The final examination of semester system will be conducted by examination section of dean office.
- The evaluation procedures for practical course will be specified by the subject committees.
- The minimum pass marks for the theory paper is 40 percent in early system and 50 percent in semester system and for the practicum, 50 percent.
Grading System
- The grading system will be as follows:
- Third Division: 40 % and Above
- Second Division: 50 % and Above
- First Division: 60 % and Above
- Distinction: 75% Above
Career and Scope
There is widespread belief among people that students pursuing Master of Education degree are limited to teaching activities but it’s not like that. Graduate’s main priority will be to educate but there is many other profession scholar can choose to perform after their studies. MEd degree holder can work in NGO/ INGO’s. They can also pursue career as a writer, editor, administrator, trainers, journalist, analyst, counselor, or work in research institutes researching in various burning issues of the teaching and learning sector. The organizations and corporate houses working in the field of children, youth and human resource can also hire Master of Education graduates. The degree holder can not only vie for various governmental jobs but also shine internationally by making good careers in the developed countries.
Course Structure
The M.Ed. courses can be put under three major categories, viz. Core Courses which carry 300 full marks, Specialization Courses (550 full marks) including Elective Course (50 full marks) carry altogether 600 full marks, and Obligatory Courses including Teaching Practice and Thesis Writing, which carry 50 marks each. The following table shows the courses with their full marks distribution.
First Semester
Second Semester
Third Semester
Fourth Semester
Nepali Education
First Semester
Second Semester
Third Semester
Fourth Semester
For further detail please contact to the campus administration
Seti Campus
Bagadgaun, Bajhang